BreathWork & Cold Water Exposure Coach

Certified Wim Hof Instructor

Breath Work & Cold Exposure for Health & Wellness, Trauma & Recovery 

Breathwork & Cold Exposure Workshops


Wim Hof Method

Redefine Your Relationship with Stress

  • Breath is the language we use to communicate with our nervous system. Inhales and exhales, much like 1’s and 0’s to a computer, can be combined in different patterns to tell the body how to respond in a situation. Sometimes we need to speed up, other times slow down, sometimes we need to be right in the middle. Because breath bridges the autonomous and somatic parts of our nervous system, we can consciously use our breath to influence automatic functions in the body.

    In my classes I cover the basics of speaking the language of breath and how to use it for health, nervous system regulation, altered states of consciousness, trauma, and recovery. In my guided breath work journeys, I provide a safe and supported space, to practice and experience the power of conscious breathing.

  • There are numerous benefits to cold exposure. The science is exciting and constantly being studied and updated. Cold exposure can be a powerful tool to alter mood, through the release of dopamine and adrenaline, and bringing one into a deeper state of awareness of the body and the present moment.

    Cold exposure can be used to bolster immune health, metabolism, and reduce stress hormone levels. Cold water immersion is a place to practice regulating your nervous system in an environment where you have the control, making you more resilient and better at handling the stress provided by daily life.

    Because the cold can be uncomfortable and intimidating, knowing the science and safety protocols of cold water immersion can eliminate the fear of the unknown. I cover the do’s and don’ts of cold exposure so you can feel confident, capable, and excited to step into the water. By using the language of breath, you can put your body into the right state to receive the peace and powerful medicine cold water has to offer.

  • While there is a time and a place to be tough, to endure, and to push through pain and suffering to accomplish a goal, that is not the message or the mindset required for this practice. Although, it may help you do those things better and with more ease when life calls upon you to do so.

    You don’t “endure” an ice bath or a breath retention by gritting your teeth, tensing your muscles, disassociating, or “toughing it out” to the end. Rather, the way to completion is softness, surrender, and love. The more you practice those attributes in the cold exposure and breath work exercises, the better you will become at it. If you can be soft, and present, and confident in your ice bath and breathwork practice, it will show up in other areas of your life.